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Cattle Care – Five Important Things to Never Miss

  Nov 28, 2020

Cattle Care – Five Important Things to Never Miss

5 Important Cattle Care tips


Cattle like any other animals is always a great treasure that you own. Primarily, livestock including cattle are relatively easier and simpler to take care of, with quality pasture, basic health care rituals, nutritious food, better sanitary housing, and plenty of sunshine. Also, brushing regularly will keep your cattle’s skin and hair healthy and is normally something that your cattle loves and enjoys.

With a laundry list of rituals to follow for your cattle care, here are the major ones that you should never miss on your list. If you’re oblivion to these basic health care routine then let’s trod along the way to learn about them.

Timely Vaccinations                  

Cattle comes as no exceptions to those deadly infectious diseases, and when not taken care of can lead to severe consequences, sometimes even leading to fatality. This makes it is crucial to administer vaccines to your cattle. Similar to companion animals, vaccination has to be carried out for your cattle as recommended by the farm vet. Vaccinations provide a protection layer that helps to shield cattle from dangerous preventive diseases.

Parasitic Treatments

Cattle too face parasitic infestations like pets. Fleas, ticks, mites, biting lice, flies, and mosquitoes are common pests that infest cattle and play havoc on their lives. And, to control these nasty critters there are monthly parasitic treatments. On regular use of these dips & sprays, repellants and flea and tick preventive solutions, the livestock can be well shielded against the vagaries of nasty blood sucking creatures. Dazzle N.F, Amipor Pour On, and Cooperzon Dip are some of the most effective cattle tick and flea treatments on the market that helps shield your cattle against parasitic infestations very well.

Cattle Deworming Medications

Enjoying the grass of open farmlands, cattle pick up worms from the farm and get infected with gastrointestinal worm infections. But, such illnesses are well warded off with the regular deworming preventives. These treatments when administered as instructed on the recommended periods can greatly keep off those worm infections and help the livestock to stay healthy.

Ranox suspension, Panacur 4 Powder, Endotape for cattle are some of the branded deworming treatments that normally farm vets recommend.

Nutritional Needs

Clean water, salt and minerals, feed, and pasture are major requirements for the healthy livestock. Ensure that clean fresh water is always available to your cattle. Dehydration in cattle can be fatal, so ensure that to arrange proper watering system on farm such that your cattle are not left dehydrated. Salt blocks and trace minerals block need to be given to the farm animals to meet their nutritional requirements. Pasture and feed are also important for healthy cattle. Pasture should be of good quality and plentiful as it meets the bulk of the cattle’s dietary needs in the seasons it is available. Hay like Alfaalfa is very high in protein and calcium and is quite helpful for young animals. Along with pasture, feeds like grain is also important for healthy cattle rearing. Grain is rich in fat and energy, and plays pivotal role in cattle’s health. No doubt, cattle requires nutritional feeds for total wellbeing. Additionally, Dicalcium Phosphate Powder, Embavit Solution, Pro Lyte with Glutamine are some of the must-have nutritional supplements that meets the required daily nutrients of your cattle.

Shelter Requirements for Cattle

Although cattle shelter need not be elaborate, they need to be waterproof and draft-free. Depending on the climate of your region, it is necessary to build the structure with the open side opposite to prevailing winds and cold chills. Similarly, sturdy fencing and strong gates must be installed for cattle. Some cattle may tend to jump over the fence and smash it down, so need a high-tensile fencing.

These are some basic things and essential cattle care steps that can help you take care of your cattle properly. When followed ritually, it will ease your burden of cattle health conditions that may occur if not be serious about it.

Cattle Care – Five Important Things to Never Miss

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