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Comprehensive Guide For Homeopathic Treatments in Dogs

  Jul 03, 2019

Comprehensive Guide For Homeopathic Treatments in Dogs

There’s a vast difference between homeopathic and medical treatments. While the latter one relies on chemical ingredients, homeopathic takes a holistic approach in treating the illness. These remedies are innocuous and activate the healing process with natural ingredients. It is a better alternative for treating recurring health conditions. Moreover, this treatment not just targets the affected area; it improves the overall health of your furry pal.


What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy treatments believe in healing the body in order to cure any medical condition. Therefore, the remedies are plant and mineral based. It strengthens the immune system of the dog, which automatically eliminates any disturbance in the body. From allergies to digestive problems, homeopathy treats variety of illnesses.


Understanding the Working of Homeopathic Remedies

It is vital to understand how to administer these remedies. In homeopathy, weight of the pet is not the deciding factor in administering the doses. Many people have difficulty in deciding the doses, so it might come as a surprise to you that the dose of these remedies barely matter. It all depends on the pellet/powder and how many times it has been diluted. The more diluted it is, the better results will be seen.

If you’ve chosen the right remedy, it will reflect on your pooch’s body. Investing in a few homeopathy remedy books will provide necessary information about the ingredients and their effectiveness. We have shared some common remedies that you can refer in case any emergency occurs.


Most Common Homeopathic Remedies:


Calendula – It can be used for rashes, skin infections, abrasions and many other skin allergies.

Euphrasia – Used for treating eye problems like conjunctivitis.  

Borax – Excellent remedy to calm the dogs with anxiety and fear of thunderstorms/firecrackers.

Ruta – Helps in healing cruciate ligaments and any joint injury.

Silicea (Silica) – Evicts foreign bodies like thorns, splinters or seeds from the skin. Additionally, it can be used in treating sinusitis.

Hepar Sulphur – Best remedy for treating sores, painful abscesses, earaches, croups, and asthma.

Rhus tox – It is helpful in treating skin infections, red swollen eyes, arthritis, and musculoskeletal injuries.

Homeopathic remedies are quite easy to administer as they just need to be placed in the side of your dog’s mouth. Since remedies work towards improving overall health of your buddy and is an energy booster, they shouldn’t be stored next to any electronic appliances. Most of these remedies need to be melted on the gums to work properly. Therefore, it can’t be mixed with dog’s food or treats.

Although homeopathic treatments and remedies have similar ingredients, the way of administration and effects vary largely. Remedies are the most natural form of cure; treatments, on the other hand, are more refined. Keep on reading to find out more about homeopathic treatments.


What Are Homeopathic Treatments?

Most homeopathic treatments can be found in the supermarket, pharmacies, and online websites. Our website provides an exclusive range of homeopathic treatments for dogs.

Furthermore, homeopathic treatments are economically affordable compared to the conventional method. They come in many forms; powder, tablets (or pellets), water dissolvable and liquid. Below are the most recommended homeopathic treatments and their benefits.


If You Are Leaning Towards Homeopathic Treatments, These Are the Most Recommend Products:


Calmeze Tablets: If your dog suffers from anxiety and panic attacks, Calmzee will soothe your dog in difficult situations.

Mobiflex LD Powder for Dogs: This treatment will relieve your pooch from the joint pain, treat joint problems like arthritis, and increase the mobility. It minimizes the wear and tear of joints and helps reduce inflammation.

Protexin Soluble for Dogs: Protexin will resolve any stomach related issues. This soluble treatment helps restore microfilaria in the stomach, hence cures illnesses like diarrhoea and vomiting.

Pro-Kolin for Dogs: Pro-Kolin comes in a paste form that needs to be administered orally through mouth. It supports the digestive health and encourages the growth of favourable microorganisms in the body.

All the homeopathic treatments need to be administered as directed. Both, homeopathic remedies and treatments are helpful for dogs. You have to decide which one is the right choice for your four-legged pal and works the best for him.

This holistic approach towards treating illness might seem intimidating at first. However, we assure you that it’s worth trying as it will not only cure the illness but also keep your pooch healthy.

Comprehensive Guide For Homeopathic Treatments in Dogs

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