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Rabies in Dogs: How to Prevent This Deadly Disease?

  Feb 05, 2020

Rabies in Dogs: How to Prevent This Deadly Disease?

Rabies is a viral disease that has been highly prevalent across the world, especially here in South Africa. It is a disease that is transmitted from a bite or even a scratch from an infected animal to a healthy one. This disease can be very fatal and extremely hard to cure, which is why preventing such a disease from affecting your pet becomes mandatory. In this blog, we will talk about some facts about rabies and a few essential preventative tips that will aid you in keeping your dog safe from the dreaded rabies infection.

Essential Rabies Facts

Below are some key rabies facts that every dog parent in South Africa should know about. Do take a read.

  • Rabies transmission from an infected animal to a healthy one is mainly done through saliva.
  • Rabies generally affects the central nervous system.
  • Once symptoms begin to appear, rabies can be very fatal.
  • Rabies is a zoonotic disease, meaning humans too can fall prey to such an infection.
  • Cats, and not dogs, are mostly infected by rabies.

Preventative Tips to Help Keep Rabies Infection Away

Since rabies is a serious and difficult to cure disease, it becomes important that preventative steps are taken to curb the rabies infection from getting to your furry munchkin. Down below, we have jotted a few preventative tips that will help you in this regard.

#1. Prioritise Vaccinations

Up-to-date vaccinations against rabies are perhaps the best way to keep your pet away from the deadly rabies infection. Vaccinations help in protecting your pet even if he or she has come in contact with saliva containing the rabies disease. Generally speaking, dogs should be vaccinated once every three years, but this could come down to two or even one years depending on where you’re located at.

#2. Stay Away From Wild Animals

In South Africa, wherever you go, you are bound to encounter wild animals. It goes without saying, but rabies and other deadly diseases are often transferred to your pet by animals living in the wild. Thus, ensure your pal is kept away from wild creatures. Moreover, while travelling, keep your pet leashed to prevent him from getting close to the animals in the wild.

#3. Supervise Your Pet When Outdoors

First things first, always keep the main door locked so that your pal does not scurry away outside without prior to your notice. Secondly, whenever your dog is outdoors, make it a point to carefully supervise him or her. You never know when your dog can come in contact with an infected pet. Hence, supervision is very crucial.

#4. Get Bites Treated As Soon As Possible

If your pet gets bitten by an animal, wild or domestic, quickly rush to the vet and get it treated even if it is nothing serious. This helps in preventing any sort of virus like rabies, if any, from seeping into the body.

#5. Know What’s Happening

They say knowledge is a hidden treasure; the more the better. Thus, gaining more knowledge about rabies, like which are the animals that are more likely to carry the rabies virus, helps you in preparing better. It gives you a fair idea as to how you’re going to protect your canine from falling seriously ill.

#6. Fence up Your Yard

Since wild animals are the main source of rabies transmission, it’s a no brainer that you fence up your yard, so that wild and sick or infected animals are kept at bay. This does not only protect your pet but also helps you from coming in contact with rabies and other deadly zoonotic diseases.

Follow these tips, and you’ll be keeping your pet safe and secure. Moreover, do not forget to get your four-legged buddy vaccinated. Stay safe and keep your beloved furry ball of fur safe as well.

Rabies in Dogs: How to Prevent This Deadly Disease?

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