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How To Choose the Best Flea And Tick Product For Your Furry Pal?

  Jul 13, 2018

How To Choose the Best Flea And Tick Product For Your Furry Pal?

Both online and offline market is flooded with flea and tick preventives. The wide variety of these products is putting pet parents in a dilemma to choose the best solution for their furry pals. Out of these, they also have to consider whether to opt for oral flea treatment or to go with popular spot on flea and tick preventives.

However, amid all technicalities, the best flea and tick product is the one which suits your pet’s breed and lifestyle, the area you live and the specifications attached with the product.

Let us find here some major points which you need to consider as a pet parent when buying flea and tick control products for your lovable companion.

Choosing Between Oral And Topical Flea And Tick Treatments

Oral treatments are in the form of tablets or chewables, which are given orally to a pet. On the other hand, topical treatments, more commonly known as spot-on flea solutions, are applied on the pet’s body. If you find your pet struggling in taking an oral pill, then a spot-on solution will be a better option to exercise. There are instances of pet spilling the content of the medicine behind the couch or furniture.

Spot-on treatments are already a rage among pet owners. However, some pet parents find it messy to apply the treatment on their pet’s body. Their pets too start licking the solution the moment it is applied on their coat and skin.

As a pet parent, you have to decide where you stand on this issue considering your pet’s sensibilities. You can take the help of your vet to gather more info about products and their pros and cons.

Some popular flea and tick treatments under this category includes

Oral- Capstar, Program Flavor Tabs, Comfortis

Spot-On- Frontline Plus, Advantage, K9 Advantix

The above products carry their own specifications. Each product has its benefits and minor side effects. As a wise pet owner you need to understand your pet’s needs, your surroundings-whether heavily infested with fleas or ticks, etc. Do research on every product. Where it works and where it fails. For example: Advantage kills fleas but not ticks whereas Frontline Plus is effective against both fleas and ticks. At the same time if you live in area, which is under threat of both fleas and ticks, then you have Frontline Plus or K9 Advantix (only for canine) as best options.

Other Products In The Line

The major flea and tick treatments are in the form of oral and spot-on treatments only. Yet, there are other products, which accompany these treatments. The range includes shampoos, collars, powders and sprays to neutralize fleas present in the pet’s environment. These are an added advantage along with the flea preventatives used to protect a dog from external parasites. 

Flea Collars

There are numerous flea collars available to treat and control fleas on dogs. These collars not only treat fleas but also control flea infestations. The tick collars control ticks and prevent tick-infested diseases. Seresto and Bayopet collar are some of the highly recommended flea and tick collars. 

Flea Sprays

Easy to use flea sprays are highly effective in controlling flea infestations. Some flea sprays can be used on both dogs and cats. Some of the vet-recommended sprays are Frontline Spray and Ultrum Ultimate Long- Acting Spray.

The Last Thing To Do

The last thing to do is to reconsider the pros and cons of every product. You need to keep in mind that one product may be able to work in certain environment and fails to work in the other. Therefore, you need to explore every angle, taking every point into consideration. After looking at every side of the story, form your conclusion and make judgement. If still in doubts, consult your vet, he is there to help you!

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